♥ You give him strength to lead (Joshua 1:7), time to know his family (John 10:14), and a passion to manage his home (1 Timothy 3:4).
♥ You bless his work and show him daily how to honor You in his attitude and spirit; confirm the work of his hands unto Your purpose (Psalm 90:16-17; Daniel 6).
♥ He will be a wise steward of our finances and all we possess, remembering that all things are Yours and entrusted to us for Your purposes (Matthew 6:19-21; Luke 16:10-13).
♥ He will love You with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength and hate evil (Mark 12:30; Psalm 97:10).
♥ He will be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger (James 1:19).
♥ You protect him physically, mentally, and spiritually (Psalm 28:7-9; Psalm 41; John 17:15; 2 Thessalonians 3:3).
♥ You give him the desire to teach and model a godly lifestyle for his {future} children (Deuteronomy 6; Psalm 78:5-7).
♥ You will instruck him and teach him in the way he should go (Psalm 32:8); give him peace in the circumstances and integrity in decisions he must face today (1 Corinthians 14:33; Proverbs 11:3).
♥ He would meditate day and night on Your Word, pray without ceasing (Psalm 1:1-3; Psalm 119:18,73; 1 Thessalonians 5:17), and stay faithful to Christ to the end (Hebrews 12:1-2).
♥ He would develop strong relationships with other godly men (Ephesians 4:24-25; Hebrews 10:24).
Make me my husband's helpmate, companion, champion, friend, and support. Help me to create a peaceful, restful, safe place for him to come home to. Teach me how to take care of myself and stay attractive to him. Grow me into a creative and confident woman who is rich in mind, soul, and spirit. Make me the kind of woman he can be proud to say is his wife.
I lay all my expectations at Your cross. I release my husband from the burden of fulfilling me in areas where I should be looking to You. Help me to accept him the way he is and not try to change him... I leave any changing that needs to be done in Your hands, fully accepting that neither of us is perfect and never will be. Only You, Lord, are perfect and I look to You to perfect us.
Teach me how to pray for my husband and make my prayers a true language of love.
...the power of a praying wife is not a means of gaining control over your husband... in fact, it's quite the opposite. It's laying down all claim to power in and of yourslef, and relying on God's transforming power. This power is not given to wield like a weapon in order to beat down an unruly beast. It's a gentle tool of restoration appropriated through the prayers of a wife who longs to do right more than be right, and to give life more than get even. It's a way to invite God's power into your husband's life for his greatest blessing, which is ultimately yours, too. You have the means to establish a hedge of protection around your marriage...
Be patient to persever and wiat for God to heal. Keep in mind that you are both imperfect people. Look to God as the source of all you want to see in your marriage and don't worry how it will happen... leave it in His hands.
-The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian
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