"Show me your ways, O LORD,
teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you ALL DAY LONG."
-Psalm 25:4-5

The brutally honest, analytic, sometimes unneccessary, unsensical goings-on in the mind of Lesley.
In the midst of all the hustle bustle busy-ness of life, a wonderfully poignant aroma catches my attention and reminds me to appreciate the gift of spring. How many days have I been down or frustrated or tired and then this amazing little flower has turned my entire day around? I can't tell you how often God uses the Mountain Laurel to get my attention. It never fails to get capture my senses and shift my attention to the beauty of creation. This scent says, "Look how simple and beautiful I am. None of that other stuff matters. You make things too hard. Just come away with me. Follow me and I will show you what it means to live."
Thank you, Lord, for the Mountain Laurel.
3 squared = 9
I am going to try to purposefully go out of my way to make people happy today. This should be something I strive for everyday.
I think that's as good enough reason as any to get some extra shut-eye tonight!!!